We always undertake works in line with HM Government advice and guidance, notably, working safely during COVID-19 in construction and other outdoor work and following guidance for those who run offices, contact centres and similar indoor environments.
The company has undertaken risk assessments to ensure, so far as is reasonably practicable that our activities can be undertaken in the safest means possible including travel to and from the workplace.
The following measures have been put in place to assist in the safe operation of the business.
- All work activities have been risk assessed with suitable and sufficient control measures put in place.
- All staff are receiving regular ‘toolbox talks’ and briefings to ensure hygiene standards and social distancing is maintained at all times within the workplace.
- Indoor workplaces have had signage put in place to remind personnel about social distancing, hand washing and sanitising.
- Personnel who can work from home are requested to do so, the company has undertaken assessments to ensure that homeworking is undertaken as safe as possible including DSE assessments and provision of furniture so far as reasonably practicable.
- Personnel who do need to attend work have been requested to stagger work times to avoid busy periods.
- The company has invested in technology to allow meetings to be held remotely.
- PPE has been issued to all personnel, and guidance posters on its use and correct disposal prominently displayed at each work location.
- Supplies of hand washing facilities have been increased to ensure continuous availability.
Hand sanitiser (with an alcohol content of not less than 60%) is available for use at all work locations.